Here, you can,
Once you have created your ComboBox (also known as a drop-down list) in a UserForm,
Add items to the ComboBox from a worksheet (Watch the Video)
Add UNIQUE values to the ComboBox from a worksheet (Watch the Video)
Add items to the ComboBox using code (Watch the Video)
Create 3 dependent ComboBoxes in cascade. Values embedded in the code (Watch the Video)
Open internet Websites based on ComboBox values (Watch the Video)
Display in the ComboBox the names of the tabs of ALL Worksheets (Dynamic) (Watch the Video)
Sort ListBox according to the selected column in ComboBox (Alphabatic Order) (Watch the Video)
Sort ListBox according to the selected column in ComboBox (ALL Formats) (Watch the Video)
Sort the ListView, according to column NUMBER selected in ComboBox (Alphabetic Order) (watch the video)
Sort the ListView, according to column NUMBER selected in ComboBox (ALL Formats) (watch the video)
Based on selection in ComboBox, Fill TextBoxes (Watch the Video)
Intuitive Search – Start Typing to Search in ComboBox (Watch the Vidéo)
Simply insert the requested value in the box, click on the “Get code” button and Hop, the code appears in the square at the very bottom of the page… copy it and paste it into your UserForm…That’s it 🙂