Here, you can,
Once you have drawn your ListView in a UserForm,
Display data from your database (Worksheet) in the ListView (Watch the Video)
Extract data from the ListView to TextBoxes, ComboBoxes, etc. (Watch the Video)
Filter Data in the ListView Based on the Value of a TextBox/ ComboBox (Watch the Video)
Search (Filter) data in the ListView (Or ListBox) via another Worksheet (Watch the Video)
Display certain data from your database (Spreadsheet) in the ListView (Watch the video)
Extract certain data from the ListView to TextBox, ComboBox, etc. (Watch the video)
Transfer the visible data from the ListView to a spreadsheet (Watch the Video)
Even after filtering, display the sum of a ListView column in a TextBox (Watch the Video)
Filter (Search) Data in the ListView Between Two Dates (Watch the Video)
Navigate Between ListView Rows with ‘Previous’ and ‘Next’ Buttons (Watch the Video)
Ascending Order, Sort the ListView by Column Values (Watch the Video)
Descending Order, Sort the ListView by Column Values (Watch the Video)
Delete (Clear) values from the ListView (Watch the Video)
Color the data in the ListView based on values (Watch the Video)
In the ListView, Adjust Column Values to “Integer Number” Format (e.g., 1234) (Watch the Video)
In the ListView, Adjust Column Values to “Percentage” Format (e.g., 12%) (Watch the Video)
In the ListView, Adjust Column Values to “Decimal Number” Format (e.g., 12.23) (Watch the Video)
In the ListView, Adjust Column Values to “Currency” Format (e.g., €11.00) (Watch the Video)
In the ListView, Adjust Column Values to “Date” Format (e.g., 11/03/2024) (Watch the Video)
Simply, insert the requested value in the box, click on the “Get Code” button and Hop, the code appears in the square at the bottom of the page… copy and paste it into your UserForm…That’s it 🙂